Benefit for JPD Officer & Capoeirista Ivory “Magia” Harris
Our friend and Capoeira instructor, Officer Ivory Harris, is with the Jackson Police Department, 3rd Precinct. Â His apartment caught fire several days ago through a faulty electrical outlet and he lost everything, including his beloved Teacup Chihuahua, Â BeeGee. Â Officer Harris not only protects the City of Jackson but he donates his time and energy to teach the art of Capoeira to others as well as troubled youth. Â We would like to rally some support for this great public servant in the donation of funds. Â Officer Harris lost clothes, furniture, and his laptop computer; everything except some important paperwork secured in a corner closet in a fire box.
You are also invited to attend a Capoeira Roda in honor of Ivory Harris on October 3, 2009 at 4035 B North State Street! Â Look for the Balloons. Â Parking in the rear of the house or about 3 blocks down at the corner of Meadowbrook and State Street. Â Event starts at 5:00 p.m. until. Â Bring Food, Drinks and your checkbook!
Please send your donation to:
- Officer Ivory Harris Fire Fund
c/o Renee Dean
P. O. Box 12833
Jackson, MS 39236
601 624-6542
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