Apr 1

This is no April Fool’s joke.

I got a little crazy with the hair dye last night.

First, I took Fire Engine Red FOR DARK HAIR ONLY highlight kit, and coated the underlayer of my haircut. Then I threw in a couple of streaks.

Then, I filled in the rest with Torrids’ Audacious Red. That’s when I started getting nervous and wondering if I missed any spots, so I brushed it.

Then, I was really worried; because I had absolutely NO IDEA what this was going to do.

This is what it did.

Top; has tiny pinky red streaks

My head is on fire.

I actually color-corrected these cameraphone pixx3n (Variations, 1 click of Green) because my shirt is forest green and looked teal. I am still somewhat startled by the conflagratory results. In reality, it’s very pinky-red. You can catch the freaking GLOWING NIMBUS around my head against the back of our ivory house.

There are 3 Responses

  1. I originally saw this at work, but not really, because when I clicked the link I got this:

    Ahold’s Internet use policy restricts access to this web page at this time.

    The Websense category “Sex” is filtered.


    They’re on to you and your wicked, wicked way.

    PS: Your hair looks awesome. :)

  2. Apparently, they don’t like that I talk about abortion or sex education!

  3. Obviously, it recognizes that you are MADE of sex. Hot hair!

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