Mar 18


I decided to move the majority of my writing from LiveJournal to a proper blog because I disliked the idea of a company being able to censor my opinions, or topics that made their Board of Directors uncomfortable.  I, too, am uncomfortable, because I’ve had a LiveJournal account since 2001, and the thought of hauling […]

Sep 11


When I think of my country, I think of the men and women who said they’d rather do without their tea, without their luxuries, without their necessities and even their lives if they didn’t have a fair say in the way they were treated. I think of the indictment of a terrible tyrant, and the […]

May 23

Happy Birthday, Mom.

Dear Mom, Today would have been your fifty-seventh birthday. I’m sure if you were still alive, you would psychically know I just announced how old you were to all the Intarwebz, and you would make a mental note to yell at me the next time you see me for such a heinous transgression. You would […]