Apr 30

Tattoo + Jasmine Green Tea shortbread

Last night, I made a variation of Habeas Brulee‘s  Tea Cookies.  Instead of the oolong she used, I went with jasmine green tea.  I also used orange flower-scented sugar to coat the cookies, because I love flowers in food.  My miniature citrus plants are blooming for the very first time (they’re about four years old […]

Apr 28

Mother’s Day

I have two more jewelry slots available before Mother’s Day.  If you’d like to commission some wearable art for your mom, hit me at inquiries@birdofparadox.com Moms love nests filled with as many eggs as they have children!

Apr 20

Oh noes!

Migrating to WordPress broke my birthday fund button. Here’s a link.

Apr 19

Round Two!

I went in last night for two hours so Erica could start the color on the flowers. The iris was first, and it’s stunning. It looks like it could rustle with the slightest breeze. The iris is for my grandmother, and I can’t wait to send the photos to her. The lotus was much less […]

Apr 17

Whirlwind craziness

I’ve been quiet because I’ve been conspiring, you see. About two weeks ago, my dad’s girlfriend had a crazy idea to get me there for the premiere of the documentary, Another Night at the Agora, which details some of the big south Florida bands from the 70s and 80s. My dad’s band, Z-Cars (Zed, not […]

Apr 17

Welcome, Emily Sabine!!

Happy birthday, wonder girl.  I realize you’re very busy sussing out things like breathing and eating and GRAVITY, but hi!  Welcome to the world, beautiful girl!!!

Apr 10

I’m outlined and stuff

Last night, Matthew and I went over to the Ink Spot to see what Erica Flannes had worked up for me. I’d given her concept art, but I am not so much of an artist, so I made sure to include photos, lest I end up with a gigantic vulva instead of an Iris. What […]

Apr 7


We actually have power and intarwebz. Here’s what happened in our neighborhood. Most of the trees around here start branching out well over the tops of our houses, so a lot of these pictures don’t accurately portray the soul-crippling magnitude of these downed limbs. http://picasaweb.google.com/birdofparadox/TornadoApril42008

Apr 3

It’s Ms. Ms.!! Say Mizzzzzzzzzzz!!!

We need equality. Kinda now. I’m always stunned when something like this happens. I know I live in the deep south, and I know that I work with folks whose entire careers immerse them in the near- to distant-past. However, this is just crazy. I got stopped my two people having an animated conversation, evidently […]

Apr 2

Websense Came To Its Senses!

Since some of you were getting my jewelry site/blog/etc. tagged as “sex,” I wrote Websense directly and asked why. on. earth. my blog (which rightfully refers to a wine-poached pear as sex-ass; and talks occasionally about pro-choice issues in a non-explicit way) got blocked. Thank you for writing to Websense. The sites you submitted are […]