Apr 6

Our Wallcats

Both of these kids’ll come home with us on my birthday, officially Best Caturday in History.

Mar 10

My 35th birthday is bound to scar me, so why not on my own terms?

In my twenties, I was too busy making a mess of my life to become terribly self-aware. I’ve been thinking about 35, and how I keep getting braver, wilder and gutsier as I age. I will probably have another one of those Birthday, Observed kind of weekends, because it’s likely that weekend will be swamped. […]

Feb 22

A bit of advice to myself

Every time you catch yourself complaining about how you’re too busy/tired for a hobby, exercise, volunteering, following a bliss, learning something new… every time you discover yourself begrudging someone for always having time to do the things that they love… Consider the impact of taking these moments wasted on resentment and ache, and repurposing them […]

Jan 7

Year of the Well-Tended Garden

My lovely friend Trace names her years, and it’s such a lovely practice, I began doing it, too. Despite my efforts to simplify my life in 2007 (Year of the Cracked Pot/Wabi-Sabi), my intentions blurred. Life got hectic and stressful, and I didn’t take the time to refocus, despite having numerous tools at my disposal. […]

Sep 18

Tea Pairings Menu

I went and bought the ingredients for my tea party this Saturday. I’m having a small scale affair, and that’s going to be so much more fun, because it means I can go SCHMANCY. (I firmly believe that this menu might be reason enough to live in Mississippi and be my friend.) Tea Pairings Menu […]