I am sharing with you the message I presented at the UU Church’s Earth Day celebration. Dear Mississippi, how should I begin? Water: In heavy rain, cats yowling, the lightning in the sky giving me a glimpse of the Chunky River’s churning. A sudden doom fell upon my shoulders: I was moving somewhere they would name a […]
Filed under: activism, domestic, family, feminism, love, matthew, practice by Deirdra
When I lost my mother in 1997, I felt I’d lost the well from whence I’d sprung. More and more, her friends tell me I remind them of her, how they see her face in mine, how my words hold her steel… It’s enough to give someone a crisis of identity, or at least question […]
Filed under: family, mom, practice by Deirdra
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I eavesdrop. I listen to people’s restaurant conversations. I strain to hear my coworkers converse. It’s a wretched habit, mostly. When I was a kid, my dad’s parents would marvel over their nerdy granddaughter like a strange bug. They’d tell my mother how smart I was, like she was too blonde to know. They’d tell […]
Filed under: activism, family by Deirdra
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This cake is as wild as wolves, dark as hunters’ eyes, deep as a forbidding wood. Happy Holidays, friends. (originally published in the Jackson Free Press, December, 2009) My mother spoiled me with books, and my prized possession was a gilded copy of “Grimm’s Fairy Tales,†which I pored over with all the twisted earnestness […]
Filed under: domestic, family, food by Deirdra
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A writing seminar would rattle my cage and ruffle this bird’s feathers. If you were considering sending me a Holiday card, or any sort of Yuletide gesture, please consider placing a drop in my bucket instead. Folks who donate have the option of giving me a (non-fiction) writing prompt, which I will fulfill, even if I hate it.
Filed under: domestic, family, geek by Deirdra
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Both of these kids’ll come home with us on my birthday, officially Best Caturday in History.
Filed under: family, general, love, pets, politics, Uncategorized by Deirdra
Jack came home with me in the summer of 1992. I fell in love with the little guy when my aunt showed us her cat’s new kittens. He was stubbular, round-eyed and looked like his belly might burst from glutting himself on milk. Even as a kitten, his paws were ENORMOUS. He looked like he […]
Filed under: family, love, pets by Deirdra
I’m beat, so I’m going to link over to Matthew’s post. June 15, 2008 Shortest Hobby Ever Filed under: parkour — mglover @ 6:52 pm Yesterday morning a bunch of us planned to get together and make our first real foray into parkour training. While sitting around waiting for the others to show up, I […]
Filed under: family, health, love, matthew by Deirdra
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Our distinguished gentleman, Mister Jack, is in bad shape. To make a long story short, I noticed his breathing was rapid and shallow and erratic, and we took him to the vet immediately, which was a very good thing. They immediately put him on oxygen, drew a shitload of fluid from his lungs, and generally […]
Filed under: family, health, love, pets by Deirdra
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I went in last night for two hours so Erica could start the color on the flowers. The iris was first, and it’s stunning. It looks like it could rustle with the slightest breeze. The iris is for my grandmother, and I can’t wait to send the photos to her. The lotus was much less […]
Filed under: adornment, family by Deirdra
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