I know Mister Jack Jackity Jack Jack Attack (once and future) Fattycat is feeling a bit more like himself: he managed to jump from the kitchen floor to the countertop, and was thoroughly scouring the last place he saw me with cheese. We sat together and watched Obama make his “Presumptive Nominee” speech in MN, […]
Filed under: general, pets, politics by Deirdra
“The point of marriage is not to create a quick commonality by tearing down all boundaries; on the contrary, a good marriage is one in which each partner appoints the other to be the guardian of his solitude, and thus they show each other the greatest possible trust. A merging of two people is an […]
Filed under: general, love, matthew by Deirdra
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The coolest thing just happened. Erica text messaged me to say that a friend of hers had come into the tattoo shop, and was wearing a bird’s nest necklace. E. asked if it was one of mine, and the girl said she didn’t know who this Deirdra person was, but EVERYONE asks her that. She […]
Filed under: adornment, general by Deirdra
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I’m taking a break from feeds, blogs, social networking, etc. until my life is less of an oily, hyper-caffeinated ferret (no offense, Mr. Ham). I’ll be checking email often because my job warrants it, but less regularly than usual. I still need to write up my yoga stuff, but that’s not really blogging. That’s homework. […]
Filed under: geek, general by Deirdra
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Good Stuff Anusara Immersion: Bhagavad Gita studies, plus Tattvas next time around. Square Foot Garden: commence! I have 21 plots of forthcoming tastiness, including lots of basil, tomatoes, and chili peppers. Basils, tomatoes and chili peppers rule my summery world. I recently purchased some lovely heirloom tomatoes for eating, and I hoarded the seeds. Since […]
Filed under: domestic, food, general, health, love by Deirdra
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Migrating to WordPress broke my birthday fund button. Here’s a link.
Filed under: general by Deirdra
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Happy birthday, wonder girl. I realize you’re very busy sussing out things like breathing and eating and GRAVITY, but hi! Welcome to the world, beautiful girl!!!
Filed under: general by Deirdra
We actually have power and intarwebz. Here’s what happened in our neighborhood. Most of the trees around here start branching out well over the tops of our houses, so a lot of these pictures don’t accurately portray the soul-crippling magnitude of these downed limbs. http://picasaweb.google.com/birdofparadox/TornadoApril42008
Filed under: domestic, general by Deirdra
I loathe this holiday, mostly because people don’t get the difference between righteous pranking and behaving like a childish asshole. My mother (smartmouthed trickster she was) ascribed to the former school, and chose to die on April Fool’s Day eleven years ago. It was an appallingly perfect sunny day. Today, it’s a dreary, miserable day, which […]
Filed under: general, love, mom by Deirdra
I read too much I Can Has Cheezburger and I Has a Hotdog. This morning, I received an email entitled Mississippi Symphony Orchestra BRAVO! series 25% discount on Saturday dinner. My brain could not process Saturday. It insisted it said Caturday. Folks, I am sick and need help.
Filed under: general by Deirdra