Apr 3

It’s Ms. Ms.!! Say Mizzzzzzzzzzz!!!

We need equality. Kinda now.

I’m always stunned when something like this happens. I know I live in the deep south, and I know that I work with folks whose entire careers immerse them in the near- to distant-past. However, this is just crazy.

I got stopped my two people having an animated conversation, evidently engrossed in the subtleties of female honorifics. They were particularly confounded by the pronunciation of Ms. I offered my input (It’s a hardish z sound, like Mizz) and started to leave when one said something about me being a Mrs.

I said, “I actually don’t go by Mrs., I prefer Ms.”

“But you’re married! Only divorced women use Ms.

I rambled awkwardly about how it most certainly was not a construct for divorcees, but it didn’t seem like any of it sunk in. I’m just so stunned and baffled by such a ridiculous and narrow statement.

For the record:

Many of us think of Ms. or Ms as a fairly recent invention of the women’s movement, but in fact the term was first suggested as a convenience to writers of business letters by such publications as the Bulletin of the American Business Writing Association (1951) and The Simplified Letter, issued by the National Office Management Association (1952). Ms. is now widely used in both professional and social contexts. As a courtesy title Ms. serves exactly the same function that Mr. does for men, and like it may be used with a last name alone or with a full name. Furthermore, Ms. is correct regardless of a woman’s marital status, thus relegating that information to the realm of private life, where many feel it belongs anyway. Some women prefer Miss or Mrs., however, and courtesy requires that their wishes be respected.

Apr 2

Websense Came To Its Senses!

Since some of you were getting my jewelry site/blog/etc. tagged as “sex,” I wrote Websense directly and asked why. on. earth. my blog (which rightfully refers to a wine-poached pear as sex-ass; and talks occasionally about pro-choice issues in a non-explicit way) got blocked.

Thank you for writing to Websense.

The sites you submitted are virtually hosted sites that were not in our database.  However, they share an IP address with other sites in our database which caused an unintended overblock.  These sites have been reviewed and categorized accordingly:

http://blog.birdofparadox.com/ – Social Networking and Personal Sites
http://www.birdofparadox.com/ – Shopping
http://birdofparadox.com/ – Shopping

Categorization updates should be available in the next scheduled publication of the database.  A new database is published every business day, five days a week, Pacific Standard Time.

Thank you for your assistance,

The Websense Database Services Staff

Now, I just need to be sure my other subdomains (like shockra.birdofparadox.com), as well as the other domains our side business hosts, aren’t being hit with the “sexual content” stamp of disapproval.

Apr 1

It’s settled

Appointment Card

Apr 1

This is no April Fool’s joke.

I got a little crazy with the hair dye last night.

First, I took Fire Engine Red FOR DARK HAIR ONLY highlight kit, and coated the underlayer of my haircut. Then I threw in a couple of streaks.

Then, I filled in the rest with Torrids’ Audacious Red. That’s when I started getting nervous and wondering if I missed any spots, so I brushed it.

Then, I was really worried; because I had absolutely NO IDEA what this was going to do.

This is what it did.

Top; has tiny pinky red streaks

My head is on fire.

I actually color-corrected these cameraphone pixx3n (Variations, 1 click of Green) because my shirt is forest green and looked teal. I am still somewhat startled by the conflagratory results. In reality, it’s very pinky-red. You can catch the freaking GLOWING NIMBUS around my head against the back of our ivory house.

Apr 1

April Fool’s Day

I loathe this holiday, mostly because people don’t get the difference between righteous pranking and behaving like a childish asshole.  My mother (smartmouthed trickster she was) ascribed to the former school, and chose to die on April Fool’s Day eleven years ago.  It was an appallingly perfect sunny day. Today, it’s a dreary, miserable day, which means it’s perfect tattooing weather.  I’m making an appointment for a tattoo that will serve as a constant reminder of her, and all the things and people in my life that keep me strong.

Apr 1

Signs of a Problem

I read too much I Can Has Cheezburger and I Has a Hotdog.

This morning, I received an email entitled  Mississippi Symphony Orchestra BRAVO! series 25% discount on Saturday dinner.

My brain could not process Saturday.  It insisted it said Caturday.

Folks, I am sick and need help.

Mar 27

MS Senate’s Sneak Attack on Teens, Families

Planned Parenthood writes:

Last week, we defeated the Child Protection Act (which was really a teen endangerment act) in the House, and now the Senate has put the language from that bill in as an amendment on another bill – HB 520.

HB 520 punishes parents for having trusting relationships with their teens and pits family members against each other. The possibility of family members suing each other because one tried to help a teen relative access safe health care could tear Mississippi families apart.

HB 520 creates an unconstitutional burden on teens. Minors without parental involvement may well have to go to court to obtain judicial waivers of two states’ laws: Mississippi’s and the state’s where they are obtaining an abortion, requiring the minor to go through two legal procedures in two states’ courts. This will delay minors’ abortions, creating unconstitutional burdens on their right to privacy and their right to travel interstate to seek medical care.

HB 520 infringes on First Amendment rights. The bill could inhibit the provision of factual information to minors about the services provided by out of state health centers as providing such information potentially could be viewed as “assisting” or “aiding” a minor to obtain an out of state abortion.

By traveling to a neighboring state, Mississippi teens are not evading parental consent requirements. In fact, every state surrounding Mississippi already has a parental consent law with which women seeking an abortion must comply.

HB 520 completely ignores geographic and economic realities. Out of state travel is often the simplest and least financially burdensome way for women to obtain needed medical services.

The mandatory reporting requirements of HB 520 expands reporting to include instances where teens are involved in normal sexual activity with other teens.

HB 520 removes the ability of health professionals, clergy members, teachers and childcare providers to make judgments as to whether teens are engaging in normal sexual activity and instead mandates that they report a wide range of sexual behaviors.

Please send emails or call:

Rep. Willie Bailey, Judiciary B Committee Chairman, phone: 601-359-1541
Speaker of the House William McCoy, phone: 601-359-3300, and
Your own legislator

Ask them to oppose the mandatory reporting requirements and abortion restrictions in the amendment to HB 520 because they are a threat to the health of Mississippi teens.

Please send your emails or make your calls immediately to help defeat this bill. It could receive a final vote as early as Friday morning (tomorrow) and could be on the Governor’s desk tomorrow if we don’t act now!

Distribute far and wide, please.

Mar 25

Signs You’ve Become a Complete Food Dork

Jackson got a Fresh Market, and we inspected it yesterday. I’d gotten spoiled by all the Whole Foods locations in Atlanta, and lamented not having access to sashimi grade fish, a bakery with real buttercream, European Butter, fresh mozz, etc.

I wandered around in sensory overload, numbed by Easter Egg radishes, blown away that they, too, thought there were greens other than Collards fit for eating.

Soon, we’d walked past the bakery and gelato, and Matthew (with an understated flourish) gestured towards the cheese section. To be fair, our local Kroger has a surprisingly kick-ass cheese station, but there are a few things pointedly missing from their assortment.

That’s when I saw it. Directly behind my dear husband’s hand, there was a huge wheel with a particularly distinctive font decorating its rind.


I could lie and say I was excited.

To be entirely honest, I jumped up and down, flapped my hands and squawked in such an unseemly fashion, people must have thought Matthew proposed to me with a gigantic wheel of cheese. Lottery Jackpot winners comport themselves with more dignity and grace. Matthew, bless him, did not suddenly pretend I was some cheese-fetishizing maniac stranger.

When I am gone from this world, I hope I am remembered as the girl who’d turn somersaults for a fine wheel of cheese.

Mar 21

Words Cannot Possibly Contain My Glee

But imagine this little post is peppered with rapid hand-flailing and exclamation points.

Joss Whedon is making another musical.

Joss Whedon is making another musical with Neil Patrick Harris.

Joss Whedon is making a musical with Nathon Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris.

Joss Whedon is making a short-form musical with Nathon Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris and it’s called DR. HORRIBLE’S SING-A-LONG BLOG.

Ahem.  It also includes the utterly adorable geekgirl/wee Slayer Felicia Day.

Links here, here, here and here.

Mar 18


I decided to move the majority of my writing from LiveJournal to a proper blog because I disliked the idea of a company being able to censor my opinions, or topics that made their Board of Directors uncomfortable.  I, too, am uncomfortable, because I’ve had a LiveJournal account since 2001, and the thought of hauling myself away from the torrent of words leaves me feeling “friend”less and naked.

The community at LiveJournal is incredible, and I’ve forged many valuable friendships through the site.  I’m still going to be reading, and possibly cross-posting.  Has anyone found a decent feed reader that handles LJ permissions well?

Jill was kind enough to create a Syndicated Account for this blog, so those of you who want to keep up with me via LJ are free to do so.  Just, PLEASE, comment here (and use OpenID, because it’s both easy and awesome.)